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Title: Laboratory Technology Planning and Management & The Practice of Laboratory Systems Engineering

Author for citation: Joe Liscouski

License for content: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Publication date: December 2020


What separates successful advanced laboratories from all the others? It's largely their ability to meet their goals, with the effective use of resources: people, time, money, equipment, data, and information. The fundamental goals of laboratory work haven’t changed, but they are under increased pressure to do more and do it faster, with a better return on investment (ROI). Laboratory managers have turned to electronic technologies (e.g., computers, networks, robotics, microprocessors, database systems, etc.) to meet those demands. However, without effective planning, technology management, and education, those technologies will only get labs part of the way to meeting their needs. We need to learn how to close the gap between getting part-way there and getting where we need to be. The practice of science has changed; we need to meet that change to be successful.

This document was written to get people thinking more seriously about the technologies used in laboratory work and how those technologies contribute to meeting the challenges labs are facing. There are three primary concerns:

  1. The need for planning and management: When digital components began to be added to lab systems, it was a slow incremental process: integrators and microprocessors grew in capability as the marketplace accepted them. That development gave us the equipment we have now, equipment that can be used in isolation or in a networked, integrated system. In either case, they need attention in their application and management to protect electronic laboratory data, ensure that it can be effectively used, and ensure that the systems and products put in place are both the right ones, and that they fully contribute to improvements in lab operations.
  2. The need for more laboratory systems engineers (LSEs): There is increasing demand for people who have the education and skills needed to accomplish the points above and provide research and testing groups with the support they need.[a]
  3. The need to collaborate with vendors: In order to develop the best products needed for laboratory work, vendors should be provided more user input. Too often vendors have an idea for a product or modifications to existing products, yet they lack a fully qualified audience to bounce ideas off of. With the planning in the first concern in place, we should be able to approach vendors and say, with confidence, "this is what is needed" and explain why.

If the audience for this work were product manufacturing or production facilities, everything that was being said would have been history. The efficiency and productivity of production operations directly impacts profitability and customer satisfaction; the effort to optimize operations would have been an essential goal. When it comes to laboratory operations, that same level of attention found in production operations must be in place to accelerate laboratory research and testing operations, reducing cost and improving productivity. Aside from a few lab installations in large organizations, this same level of attention isn’t given, as people aren’t educated as to its importance. The purpose of this work is to present ideas of what laboratory technology challenges can be addressed through planning activities using a series of goals.

This material is an expansion upon two presentations:

Directions in lab operations

The lab of the future

People often ask what the lab of the future (LOF) is going to look like, as if there were a design or model that we should be aspiring toward. There isn’t. Your lab's future is in your hands to mold, a blank sheet of paper upon which you define your lab's future by setting objectives, developing a functional physical and digital architecture, planning processes and implementations, and managing technology that supports both scientific and laboratory information management. If that sound scary, it’s understandable. But you must take the time to educate yourself and bring in people (e.g., LSEs, consultants, etc.) who can assist you.

Too often, if vendors and consultants are asked what the LOF is going to look like, the response lines up with their corporate interests. No one knows what the LOF is because there isn’t a singular future, but rather different futures for different types of labs. (Just think of all the different scientific disciplines that exist; one future doesn’t fit all.) Your lab's future is in your hands. What do you want it to be?

The material in this document isn’t intended to define your LOF, but to help you realize it once the framework has been created, and you are in the best position to create it. As you create that framework, you'll be asking:

  1. Are you satisfied with your lab's operations? What works and what doesn’t? What needs fixing and how shall it be prioritized?
  2. Has management raised any concerns?
  3. What do those working in the lab have to say?
  4. How is your lab going to change in the next one to five years?
  5. Does your industry have a working group for lab operations, computing, and automation?

Adding to question five, many companies tend to keep the competition at arm's length, minimizing contact for fear of divulging confidential information. However, if practically everyone is using the same set of test procedures from a trusted neutral source (e.g., ASTM International, United States Pharmacopeia, etc.), there’s nothing confidential there. Instead of developing automated versions of the same procedure independently, companies can join forces, spread the cost, and perhaps come up with a better solution. With that effort as a given, you collectively have something to approach the vendor community with and say “we need this modification or new product.” This is particularly beneficial to the vendor when they receive a vetted product requirements document to work from.

Again, you don’t wait for the lab of the future to happen, you create it. If you want to see the direction lab operations in the future can take, look to the manufacturing industry: it has everything from flexible manufacturing, cooperative robotics[1][2], and so on.[b] This is appropriate in both basic and applied research, as well as quality control.

Both manufacturing and lab work are process-driven with a common goal: a high-quality product whose quality can be defended through appeal to process and data integrity.

Lab work can be broadly divided into two activities, with parallels to manufacturing: experimental procedure development (akin to manufacturing process development) and procedure execution (product production). (Note: Administrative work is part of lab operations but not an immediate concern here.) As such, we have to address the fact that lab work is part original science and part production work based on that science, e.g., as seen with quality control, clinical chemistry, and high-throughput screening labs. The routine production work of these and other labs can benefit most from automation efforts. We need to think more broadly about the use of automation technologies—driving their development—instead of waiting to see what vendors develop.

Where manufacturing and lab work differ is in the scale of the work environment, the nature of the work station equipment, the skills needed to carry out the work, and the adaptability of those doing the work to unexpected situations.

My hope is that this guide will get laboratory managers and other stakeholders to begin thinking more about planning and technology management, as well as the need for more education in that work.

Trends in science applications

If new science isn’t being developed, vendors will add digital hardware and software technology to existing equipment to improve capabilities and ease-of-use, separating themselves from the competition. However, there is still an obvious need for an independent organization to evaluate that technology (i.e., the lab version of Consumer Reports); as is, that evaluation process, done properly, would be time consuming for individual labs and would require a consistent methodology. With the increased use of automation, we need to do this better, such that the results can be used more widely (rather than every lab doing their own thing) and with more flexibility, using specialized equipment designed for automation applications.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are two other trending topics, but they are not quite ready for widespread real-world applications. However, modern examples still exist:

  • Having a system that can bring up all relevant information on a research question—a sort of super Google—or a variation of IBM’s Watson could have significant benefits.
  • Analyzing complex data or large volumes of data could be beneficial, e.g., the analysis of radio astronomy data to find fast radio bursts (FRB).[3]
  • "[A] team at Glasgow University has paired a machine-learning system with a robot that can run and analyze its own chemical reaction. The result is a system that can figure out every reaction that's possible from a given set of starting materials."[4]
  • HelixAI is using Amazon's Alexa as a digital assitant for laboratory work.[5]

However there are problems using these technologies. ML systems have been shown to be susceptible to biases in their output depending on the nature and quality of the training materials. As for AI, at least in the public domain, we really don’t know what that is, and what we think it is keeps changing as purported example emerge. One large problem for lab use is whether or not you can trust the results of an AI's output. We are used to the idea that lab systems and methods have to be validated before they are trusted, so how do you validate a system based on ML or AI?


The major issue in all of this is having people educated to the point where they can successfully handle the planning and management of laboratory technology. One key point: most lab management programs focus on personnel issues, but managers also have to understand the capabilities and limitations of information technology and automation systems.

One result of the COVID-19 pandemic is that we are seeing the limitations of the four-year undergraduate degree program in science and engineering, as well as the state of remote learning. With the addition of information technologies, general systems thinking and modeling[c], statistical experimental design, and statistical process control have become multidisciplinary fields. We need options for continuing education throughout people’s careers so they can maintain their competence and learn new material as needed.


  1. See Elements of Laboratory Technology Management and the LSE material in this document.
  2. See the "Scientific Manufacturing" section of Elements of Laboratory Technology Management.
  3. By “general systems” I’m not referring to simply computer systems, but the models and systems found under “general systems theory” in mathematics.

About the author

Initially educated as a chemist, author Joe Liscouski (joe dot liscouski at gmail dot com) is an experienced laboratory automation/computing professional with over forty years experience in the field, including the design and development of automation systems (both custom and commercial systems), LIMS, robotics and data interchange standards. He also consults on the use of computing in laboratory work. He has held symposia on validation and presented technical material and short courses on laboratory automation and computing in the U.S., Europe, and Japan. He has worked/consulted in pharmaceutical, biotech, polymer, medical, and government laboratories. His current work centers on working with companies to establish planning programs for lab systems, developing effective support groups, and helping people with the application of automation and information technologies in research and quality control environments.
