Journal:Automated cyber and privacy risk management toolkit

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Full article title Automated cyber and privacy risk management toolkit
Journal Sensors
Author(s) Gonzalez-Granadillo, Gustavo; Menesidou, Sofia A.; Papamartzivanos, Dimitrious; Romeu, Roman; Navarro-Llobet, Diana; Okoh, Caxton; Nifakos, Sokratis; Xenakis, Christos; Panaousis, Emmanouil
Author affiliation(s) Atos Spain, UBITECH Ltd., Fundació Privada Hospital Asil de Granollers, University of Greenwich, Karolinska Institutet Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, University of Piraeus
Primary contact Email: gustavo dot gonzalez at atos dot net
Editors Mylonas, Alexios; Pitropakis, Nikolaos
Year published 2021
Volume and issue 21(16)
Article # 5493
DOI 10.3390/s21165493
ISSN 1424-8220
Distribution license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Addressing cyber and privacy risks has never been more critical for organizations. While a number of risk assessment methodologies and software tools are available, it is most often the case that one must, at least, integrate them into a holistic approach that combines several appropriate risk sources as input to risk mitigation tools. In addition, cyber risk assessment primarily investigates cyber risks as the consequence of vulnerabilities and threats that threaten assets of the investigated infrastructure. In fact, cyber risk assessment is decoupled from privacy impact assessment, which aims to detect privacy-specific threats and assess the degree of compliance with data protection legislation. Furthermore, a privacy impact assessment (PIA) is conducted in a proactive manner during the design phase of a system, combining processing activities and their inter-dependencies with assets, vulnerabilities, real-time threats and personally identifiable information (PII) that may occur during the dynamic lifecycle of systems.

In this paper, we propose a cyber and privacy risk management toolkit, called AMBIENT (Automated Cyber and Privacy Risk Management Toolkit) that addresses the above challenges by implementing and integrating three distinct software tools. AMBIENT not only assesses cyber and privacy risks in a thorough and automated manner, but it also offers decision-support capabilities to recommend optimal safeguards using the well-known repository of the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls. To the best of our knowledge, AMBIENT is the first toolkit in the academic literature that brings together the aforementioned capabilities. To demonstrate its use, we have created a case scenario based on information about cyber attacks we have received from a healthcare organization, as a reference sector that faces critical cyber and privacy threats.

Keywords: toolkit, cybersecurity, privacy, risk assessment, risk control, healthcare


Cyber risk management has traditionally been a fundamental challenge of every organization that seeks ways to protect its assets against cyber threats.[1] This typically involves the use of cybersecurity countermeasures (technical, operational, and physical) to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber attacks prohibiting the exploitation of the organization. Technical controls can be anything from “inventory and control of hardware assets” to “penetration tests and red team exercises,” according to the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls.[2] Operational controls refer to standards, policies, and frameworks adopted by the organization, while physical security measures can prevent physical access to the cyber infrastructure.

In most cases, implementing all controls is neither possible nor required, although some controls are necessary for an organization to operate. For example, corporate cybersecurity strategies dictate the need for aligning with information security frameworks such as the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 27001 and 27002 standards.[3] Regarding the different types of organizations, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has published the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, stating that different organizations exhibit different cyber risks due to their different security requirements and infrastructures to be protected. For instance, financial and healthcare organizations have regulatory requirements to satisfy, while the second also have to protect human lives.[4]

Our work is motivated by the need to undertake cyber risk management in the healthcare domain. Nevertheless, cyber risk management methodologies and tools are generally applicable to a variety of industries, with the underlying models and system components largely remaining the same. Our choice was initially motivated by the criticality of this domain determined by cyber–physical impact inflicted by cyber risks as human lives can be at risk following a cyber incident. In the 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report, published by Verizon, healthcare is listed as the industry with the majority of data breaches.[5]

Last year, the same report indicated that healthcare stands out due to the fact that 59% of breaches are associated with internal actors, and 81% of the incidents within healthcare corresponds to miscellaneous errors, privilege misuse, and web applications. Only in the United States, healthcare organizations have reported since 2016 over 170 individual ransomware attacks, affecting around 1,500 healthcare centers and over 6.5 million patients, which represents an estimated cost to the industry of USD $157 million.[6] This rising number of security incidents has also led to data breaches (e.g., 72% of the data breaches were medical[7]), due to the massive amount of sensitive data that is processed. The observations worsen if we look at the currently overwhelmed healthcare domain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[8]

The well-known WannaCry ransomware, although not targeting healthcare organizations per se, managed to massively affect the U.K.’s National Healthcare System (NHS), posing not only financial damages but also life-threatening ones, e.g., via operations which could not take place when systems went down during the attack.[8] The low security posture of many hospitals was the reason for WannaCry exploiting so successfully its various hosts, causing tremendous impact during a limited period of time. Having a state actor behind this attack is not the only source of danger to healthcare organizations, which may also be susceptible to attacks launched by anyone ranging from script kiddies through to organized crime and state actors.

Even worse, healthcare data are more valuable than many other data in the Dark Web, because of the potential adversarial use of it, including blackmailing to gain some financial gain, selling intelligence to pharmaceutical companies, as well as compromising data integrity to create chaos in a country or a hospital, such as the recent incident at Valley Hospital, in California, which was hit by a ransomware attack on October 11, 2020. The case of WannaCry clearly demonstrated that U.K. hospitals had not invested in cybersecurity controls, while post-incident analysis shows that 65 NHS Trusts spent 612 million pounds on IT two years after the attack took place[9], which corresponds to 33% budget increase compared to the year preceding this incident.

While everything shows that cybersecurity has been more of an afterthought for healthcare organizations than, for instance, for the banking industry, it is also clear that due to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)[10], hospitals are obliged to report incidents or breaches in data processing. Furthermore, enabling traceability in these domains serves the purpose of demonstrating accountability, which has been recently studied extensively as part of the the literature on blockchain.

Traditionally, information privacy and cybersecurity have been treated as distinct concepts. Even though managing cybersecurity risk contributes to managing privacy risk, it is not sufficient, since privacy risks can also arise by other means unrelated to cybersecurity incidents[11], while loss of personal data does not equate to a loss of privacy. In data terms, privacy is violated if and only if the data are used in a manner that actually violates the data subject’s fundamental right to privacy. However, as the number of privacy and data protection regulations increase, the overlap between privacy and cybersecurity increases.

Organizations are spending valuable resources by duplicating efforts to mitigate the consequences on privacy and cybersecurity attacks, competing for the same budgets. This brings us to a major challenge of having to spend a proportion of the IT budget of the organization on countermeasures that mitigate cyber and privacy risks. This has given rise to a fairly rich literature of cyber investments seeking answers to what the best ways are to select a portfolio of countermeasures given some predefined financial limitations.[12] Within the same domain, researchers are also investigating the role of indirect costs of these countermeasures to the selection process, how countermeasures interact with each other, and what is the minimal set of countermeasures required to achieved a desirable level of overall risk.

Our work on risk assessment and control has led to the development of an innovative toolkit called AMBIENT (Automated Cyber and Privacy Risk Management Toolkit). Although AMBIENT has been designed based on end user requirements elicited by healthcare professionals, inevitably, its functionalities can be used in other domains. Nevertheless, the knowledge bases of AMBIENT (e.g., vulnerabilities) as well as values for parameters used during risk assessment (e.g., probabilities of attack occurrence) are drawn from the healthcare domain, as published in industrial reports such as the Verizon 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report.

Our motivation behind creating AMBIENT was the lack of automated software that not only conducts cyber risk assessment in the traditional way, but also takes into consideration the GDPR and healthcare processes, and then addresses the fundamental challenge of investing a financial budget to the most effective combination of cybersecurity controls. The automation nature of a cyber risk management tool is critical, because it can save time and resources of an organization that either outsources this task or allocates a significant amount of time to combine the outcomes of the cyber and privacy risk assessments with a tool that suggests best ways to mitigate the identified risks. AMBIENT is a decision support platform that exhibits cyber risk assessment, privacy risk assessment according to GDPR terms and requirements, and proactive cyber risk control (i.e., before threats have materialized) and reactive mitigation (i.e., when signs of intrusions are present or new risks have been identified). At the same time, AMBIENT determines an optimal allocation of a financial budget to various cyber controls by adopting the weakest link model.[13]

AMBIENT is augmented with real-time intrusion detection capabilities to be able to derive changes in the risk that are worthy of being considered by system administrators. Once these notifications are triggered, AMBIENT relies on a Cybersecurity and a Privacy Risk Assessment module, as solutions that take advantage of a variety of input data to perform the analysis and provide qualitative and quantitative scores that will advise organizations on the risks they are exposed to and the mitigation measures they can implement to reduce their attack surface. Such mitigation measures are shared with the Optimal Safeguard Recommendation module that performs further analysis and optimization in order to compute a prioritized list of remediation actions to be taken, acting as a holistic decision support cybersecurity toolkit.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. The next section presents the related work in cybersecurity and privacy risk assessments, as well as in optimization of controls. An introduction to the AMBIENT toolkit architecture and details of its main modules follow the related work. Then the applicability of the proposed toolkit is discussed by analyzing security threats in a healthcare infrastructure, followed by a discusses of the preliminary results. The final section of the paper highlights the main advantages and limitations of our proposed toolkit, and provides conclusions as well as perspectives for future work.

Related work

Cyber risk assessment

An integral part of the risk assessment process is the selection of a risk assessment model or methodology. There is a vast variety of risk assessment models in the literature and tools available in the market. Examples of models used in quantitative risk assessments[14] include Fault Tree Analysis[15][16], Bayesian Networks[17][18], Monte Carlo Simulation[19], and Markov Chains.[20][21]

Examples of qualitative risk assessment tools include EBIOS RM (Expression of Needs and Identification of Security Objectives)[22], MEHARI (Harmonized Risk Analysis Method)[23], and OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation).[24] IT-Grundschutz (IT Baseline Protection Manual)[25] is an example of a tool performing quantitative risk assessment. Other tools such as MAGERIT (Risk Analysis and Management Methodology for Information Systems)[26] and CORAS (a method for risk analysis of security-critical systems)[27] are widely used for both qualitative and quantitative risk assessments. Regardless, the choice of risk assessment tool largely depends on the purpose and the data available (e.g., impact, likelihood of occurrence, etc.).[28][29][30]

Previous work by Ganin et al.[31] addressed the gap between risk assessment and risk management and how to allow a structured and transparent process of selecting risk management alternatives. The authors proposed a decision-analysis-based approach that quantifies threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences based on multiple criteria to assess the cybersecurity risk levels. The proposed approach provides justifiable methods for selecting risk management actions consistent with stakeholder values and technical data.

Radanliev et al.[32] proposed a model for the definition of individual risks and their measurement. Authors focused on internet of things (IoT) scenarios and integrated an impact assessment methodology to improve understanding of the economic impact values associated with particular devices. As a result, new risk metrics were developed by considering uncertainties and potential challenges specific to the IoT environment. The major limitation of this approach is the lack of evaluation of cyber risks for the unknown but potential vulnerabilities.

Varela-Vaca et al.[33] addressed the problem of automatic security risk management by proposing a risk assessment methodology that enables the analysis and evaluation of multiple activities combined in a business process model to determine the compliance of the model with regards to the security-risk objectives. Authors focused on combining business process management and security-risk descriptions to assess the risk level of the entire process and to identify the risk responsible for a nonconformity. Artificial intelligence techniques were used to automate the presented diagnostic process.

Advances in the area of IoT have brought novel methods that integrate various cyber risk assessment approaches (e.g., Cyber Value at Risk[34] and MicroMort[35]) to compute the economic impact of IoT cyber risks.[32] Recent cyber risk assessment models use a variety of techniques including text mining[36], fuzzy fractional ordinary differential equations[37], and Lognormal probabilistic distributions[38], among others, aiming to rapidly adapt to changing environments and provide accurate risk assessment results.

Privacy risk assessment

The use of a privacy impact assessment (PIA) is considered part of a systematic risk management approach which aims towards an evaluation of potential effects that systems may have on privacy[39] and fostering trust by implementing the privacy-by-design principle.[40] Several standardization bodies and data protection authorities have established legal frameworks and guidelines which mandate the conduction of PIA, among them the GDPR regulation.[10] However, even though the initial notion of a PIA method dates back to 2009[39], and several published frameworks and guidelines set the principles for the conduction of privacy impact assessment, PIA remains a challenging and difficult process due to the multiple aspects that an assessor needs to consider.[41] According to GDPR, a type of processing is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, thus the controller shall, prior to the processing, carry out an assessment of the impact of the envisaged processing operations on the protection of personal data. Nevertheless, PIA shall be an on-going process, regularly applied to personal data processing for identifying and mitigating risks in a more dynamic manner.[42]

Privacy data protection standards (e.g., BS 10012:2017[43], ISO/IEC 29151:2017[44], and ISO/IEC 27018:2014[45]), can be found in the literature focusing on PIA as a requirement in the execution of cybersecurity risk assessments. PIA and cybersecurity risk assessments are, however, treated as two different and uncorrelated processes[40][46], with a clear gap on automated tools, methods, and models that implement PIA.[41] Even though standards (e.g., ISO/IEC 29134:2017[47]) provide details and guidance to conduct privacy impact assessments, they are very generic and provide high-level information that in some cases is insufficient to perform an appropriate privacy risk assessment.[46] Although the literature provides a wide variety of privacy metrics, they mainly consider properties of privacy-enhancing technologies such as the amount of sensitive information leaked or the number of indistinguishable users, instead of the privacy impact.[48] Recently, the NIST proposed a privacy framework in the form of a solid documentation and a practical tool to manage the privacy risks of an organization by prioritizing privacy protection activities through enterprise risk management. [9] The NIST also developed the Privacy Risk Assessment Methodology (PRAM), which applies the risk model from NISTIR 8062[49] and helps organizations analyze, assess, and prioritize privacy risks.[50]

In addition, several national regulators have published guidelines for a data protection impact assessment (DPIA), including the French Commission for Informatics and Freedom (CNIL)[51] and the British Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).[52] Such guidance has been updated to address GDPR’s DPIAs and to provide detailed guidelines about their regulatory requirements and processes. These guidelines follow different approaches and propose diverse steps for conducting PIA. Thus, the adoption of a single methodology becomes a difficult task for an organization, and organizing a PIA project becomes a maze-like process.[41] While there are differences in the aforementioned approaches, they are equally suitable for conducting a DPIA and produce largely similar results.

The ENISA’s on-line tool[53], which consists of six steps for the calculation of the privacy risk is one of the available PIA tools. The assessment of risks is the first step towards the adoption of appropriate security measures for the protection of personal data. Furthermore, CNIL’s PIA tool[51] considers data controllers that are familiar with the PIA process. This tool lacks automation, in terms of ICT asset inventory and detection of threats or vulnerabilities that can affect privacy, which can increase the awareness of the risk assessor, while the resulted risk levels do not consider the cyber security status of the organization. The GDPR DPIA Tool (DPIA Tool)[54] is a web-based tool for assisting organizations to evaluate data protection risks with respect to GDPR. The tool was developed to support the implementation of DPIA and provides a structured, risk-oriented approach to identification and assessment of potential data protection risks. The structure of the DPIA Tool is based on a questionnaire and thus, it offers a rather limited automation of the assessment of processing activities on personal data within the organization. Last, the Compliance-Kit 2.0 tool[55] follows the British standard BS 10012, GDPR, and ISO 29100, and it is based on the legal obligation to comply with the requirements of GDPR and management’s strategic decisions to implement these regulations with the goal of establishing, maintaining, and developing practical and process-oriented data protection management.

In addition to the aforementioned regulatory efforts, academic research has also proposed improvements to DPIA processes. These efforts include making the DPIA process more systematic and structured by proposing formal modelling techniques for privacy threats.[46] Manna et al.[56], for example, proposed a comprehensive methodology for identifying data privacy risks and quantifying them, while the risk values are computed at different levels to help both senior management and operational personnel in assessing and mitigating privacy risks. Wei et al.[46] proposed a systematic privacy-considered information security risk assessment (pISRA) model, which can take both a privacy impact analysis and risk assessment into consideration. Finally, Henriksen-Bulmer et al.[57] presented an empirically evaluated privacy risk assessment framework based on contextual integrity—the DPIA Data Wheel—that practitioners can use to inform decision making around the privacy risks of cyber physical systems (CPS). However, most of these aforementioned research efforts do not implement their proposed method/model.

Optimal risk control and cyber investments

Controlling cyber and privacy risks is a vital requirement for an organization to become stronger against cyber actors. This is achieved through the implementation of cyber controls, which are always coming with different types of costs, including direct ones (e.g., financial) or indirect (e.g., systems usability). Inevitably, the challenge of improving these risks not only requires ways to optimize cyber control choices, especially by combining these controls to attain greater efficacy, but poses the need for sophisticated cyber investment strategies, first studied by Gordon and Loeb.[58]

The Risk Mitigation component of AMBIENT has been inspired by work published by Fielder et al.[59] and Panda et al.[60] In the latter, we have published the algorithmic side of our component, including the mathematical analysis required to optimize decisions about cyber controls and cyber budget spending. These papers deploy mathematical optimization and game theory to derive optimal strategies for the defending (e.g., the manager of the infrastructure to be protected) and attacking agents (e.g., an adversary). In particular, game theory has been proposed by several works in the cybersecurity literature, e.g., by Rontidis et al.[61] and Panaousis et al.[62]

The seminal works, published by Fielder et al.[59][63], have proposed novel ways to invest a cybersecurity budget to protect small and medium enterprises against commodity cyber attacks. The authors have used mathematical optimization, game theory, and cybersecurity engineering to assess their framework, without developing a dashboard or an entire software component to offer this advice, as it is the case of the AMBIENT’s Risk Mitigation component.

In a similar vein, Wang[64] studied the tradeoffs between cybersecurity investments in acquiring knowledge and expertise (i.e., personnel) and deploying mitigation techniques. Cybersecurity investments have also been studied as part of supply chain network models. For example, Nagurney et al.[65] empower competing retailers to maximize their expected profits through optimizing product transactions as well as investments in cybersecurity.

Some research has looked into the more specific problem of determining when the best time to invest in cybersecurity is. Chronopoulos et al.[66] proposed a real options approach to tackle this timing problem. By analyzing the cost of cyber attacks and when cyber controls can be deployed by the organization, they derive the optimal timing for such deployment, optimizing returns on security investments.

Beyond investing in cyber controls, some researchers have looked into the effect of uncertainties during the risk assessment phases and how these affect investment decisions.[67][68] The same works compute optimal strategies given these uncertainties, offering cybersecurity investment models that are robust to these uncertainties, meaning that they optimize return on security investment despite not having the accurate values about the probabilities of different cyber attacks materializing.

Besides studying how to invest in a wide range of cyber controls under uncertainty, Paul and Wang[69] proposed a way to invest optimally between prevention and detection cyber controls. Dutta and Al-Shaer[70] formulate cybersecurity resilience and propose a method to derive the best combination of critical security controls by considering a set of residual cyber risks, the available budget for cyber controls, and resiliency and usability constraints.

AMBIENT novelty

In the previous sections we presented a gamut of methodologies, standards, research endeavors and tools related to the three pillars of AMBIENT namely, the Cyber and Privacy risk assessments and optimal safeguards provision. On the one hand, the cybersecurity risk assessment uses a wide base of risk indicators that analyze threat scenarios using a rule matching methodology. This approach enables the competitive advantage of the cybersecurity risk module to operate on top of detection and inventory tools for the conduction of real-time evaluation of cyber risks. In addition, both qualitative and quantitative methods are adopted for risk evaluation. The latter approach is expressed in monetary values and represents the typical loss and the worst-case scenarios to ease decision makers in perceiving the criticality of identified risks. Furthermore, based on its internal modelling, the AMBIENT’s cybersecurity module provides a list of mitigation measures that apply to each risk model to reduce risk levels.

On the other hand, the privacy module aims to bridge the gap between the cyber and privacy risk assessment, which are treated as distinct management processes.[40][46] The AMBIENT’s privacy risk assessment module operates in tandem with real-time threat inventory tools in order to quantify the privacy impact on the data processing activities of an organization. Thus, our proposed solution exceeds the rigid approaches of privacy impact assessment by utilizing an extendable scoring system and by considering the inter-dependencies of data processing ICT assets (i.e., assets which are engaged in data processing activities) to ease the privacy impact analysis on the fly. As discussed in the next section, the privacy assessment module has the advantage of inter-dependency graphs as the core modelling technique to express the connectivity and relationships between assets, data entries, threats and vulnerabilities in order to identify associated risks. Thus, the inter-dependencies assist not only on the the data flows representation, but is also used to define the processing activities and the possible attack paths for privacy risk calculation. Yet, we offer a high level of automation, which has been documented as a gap in the state of the art of PIA conduction.[41] Overall, in order to meet the requirements of the regulatory frameworks and be in line with the requirement to increase automation in supporting the PIA processes, the privacy risk assessment module of AMBIENT offers the following advantageous characteristics:

  • asset inter-dependencies documentation;
  • data processing flows identification;
  • automation and dynamicity of PIA;
  • cyber risk consideration in PIA;
  • mitigation controls;
  • GDPR PIA support; and
  • automated privacy impact scoring.

AMBIENT’s risk mitigation module offers strategic decisions on cybersecurity countermeasures and investments based on the finding of the cybersecurity and privacy modules. The game theoretic approach of the risk mitigation component and its optimization methodology offers decision support considering both the efficacy of the controls and the cost of implementation to infer on their optimality for mitigating the identified risks. In addition, the proposed solution takes advantage of the use of the well-documented basis of CIS controls and offers a database of tools that are recommended to the user as part of an optimal cyber strategy.

Furthermore, apart from the advancements brought by each tool individually, AMBIENT unifies the described functionalities under the same umbrella by providing a solution that can operate with a high level of automation and can support decision makers to the maze-like risk management and mitigation operations. To the best of our knowledge, AMBIENT is the only solution that offers this pipeline of tools that brings together the cyber and privacy risk assessment for real-time evaluation, and bridges the gap of responding to the identified cyber and privacy threats based on strategic investments. Through this synergy, AMBIENT can satisfy the real needs of vertical sectors that present a constantly changing cyber and privacy threat surface, such as the healthcare sector.

AMBIENT: Automated Cyber and Privacy Risk Management Toolkit

As depicted in Figure 1, AMBIENT is a toolkit composed of three main modules:

  1. the Cybersecurity Risk Assessment module, aiming to assign qualitative and quantitative risk levels to potential cyber threat scenarios;
  2. the Privacy Risk Assessment module, which is responsible for analyzing potential privacy threats; and
  3. the Risk Mitigation module, which is responsible for evaluating, ranking, and selecting optimal security measures to mitigate cyber risks.

Fig1 Gonzalez-Granadillo Sensors21 21-16.png

Fig. 1 AMBIENT Architectural Model

This section goes on to describe all modules of the AMBIENT toolkit. The toolkit receives infrastructure data (e.g., monitoring data, vulnerabilities, system configuration, risk models) and produces qualitative and quantitative risk scores that indicate the cybersecurity and privacy risk levels of an organization, a business unit, or an individual asset. Risk scores are accompanied by a list of mitigation measures that are ranked according to multiple factors, and that indicates the priority to be given to their implementation.

Cybersecurity Risk Assessment module

The Cybersecurity Risk Assessment module is in charge of analyzing data aggregated from multiple sources and assessing the risk level of an organization. This module uses incident detection functionalities, offering the capabilities of a security information and event management (SIEM) solution [62], which can handle large volumes of security data. It produces both qualitative and quantitative cybersecurity scores of the risks which an organization are exposed to. The cybersecurity risk assessment focuses on collecting and analyzing cybersecurity events (e.g., malicious incidents) in real-time (or near-real time) and correlating them to be used as an input to the risk assessment. In addition, this module provides useful information (e.g., risk levels, potential financial losses, worst case scenarios, mitigation measures to be implemented) to help C-level managers thus improve cybersecurity awareness on topics related to information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT). Furthermore, this module is able to capture information from cybersecurity events (e.g., detected threats, attacks, potential incidents) through the use of cyber agents deployed on the organization's infrastructure. The information processed by this module can be accessed by a visualization framework that presents the main outcome in a dashboard for monitoring and response, which further helps on the generation of cybersecurity alarms and risk reports.

The CORAS tool[27] is used to generate graphical risk models for the risk analysis process. An important part of the risk modelling stage is to create human-readable files, which provide the graphical representation of the risk models and serve as intermediate points to create the corresponding algorithms executing such models. Each CORAS risk model uses both measurable (R[71] and non-measurable (DEXi)[72] assessment algorithms depending on the information each algorithm provides. The programming language R is used to produce monetary risk reports for each target and risk. This algorithm is also a conversion of the risk models to R scripts to supply economic loss estimations. DEXi is used to produce qualitative overall reports using fuzzy logic and generate assessments for each target and risk within a risk model, as well as the platform as a whole. The algorithm represents a qualitative adaptation of risk models to DEXi scripts, which will be executed by the cybersecurity risk assessment module. Using both approaches helps AMBIENT to improve its analysis by adding complementary information about the risk level and potential consequences of a given threat if realized on the targeted system.

Besides qualitative and quantitative scores, a list of mitigation measures is provided for each risk model, and if these are implemented, risk levels should be reduced to acceptable values. This list of measures is produced as a result of lookups on tables that correlate threat indicators to cyber controls. Nonetheless, AMBIENT does not enforce the mitigation measures; it is just a decision support toolkit that helps security administrators and security managers, like chief information security officers, to define mitigation strategies based on the computed scores.

Qualitative risk assessment is computed as the probability of a threat exploiting a vulnerability (i.e., Likelihood) times the consequences of such vulnerability being exploited (i.e., Impact), as typically expressed in the literature by the formula . The latter is computed using a set of risk indicators that analyze a particular threat scenario based on a rule matching methodology. (A concrete example of a quantitative risk assessment is detailed in the next section.) This module evaluates the risk level of the monitored infrastructure through the use of different algorithms whose inputs are provided in the form of indicators. These latter are built based on the values of different sources of information (e.g., vulnerability assessment tools, SIEM environments, end user’s business profile). This module uses two main data formats: Indicators, to refer to pre-conditions taken from risk models when compared with monitored input data; and Indicator Values, to refer to the real input required to compute the cybersecurity risk scores.

The Cybersecurity Risk Assessment module has the following components:

  • Indicator Value Generator: used to collect all inputs from the external sources of information (e.g., questionnaire data, target information, vulnerabilities)
  • Triggering Detector: receives new or updated indicator values and the target information related to the loss estimations, as well as the risk models selected for the assessments; invokes the Risk Model Executors upon a change in any of its inputs
  • Instantiator: in charge of creating an instance (i.e., qualitative used by DEXi, and quantitative used by R) of the risk models using the current indicators values received as inputs
  • Model Rules Executor: performs two simultaneous analysis: (i) the qualitative risk assessment for the corresponding target and the risk model using the DEXi Model Rules Executor, and (ii) the quantitative risk assessment for the corresponding target and risk model using the Model Rules Executor
  • Aggregator: aims to group the individual risk assessment of an organization per asset (e.g., workstation, server, printer, cellphone) per risk model (e.g., Denial of Service, Bypass Login, Cross-Site Request Forgery) and/or per security attribute (i.e., confidentiality, integrity, availability)
  • Data Warehouse: represents the central data storage component, which stores the following information: (i) users and organizations (input manually by administrators); (ii) users’ configuration parameters (input by end users); (iii) risk models; (iv) catalogues of risks, mitigation measures, and indicators; (v) risk reports (results of finished risk assessment procedures); (vi) active deployed sensors; (vii) events reported by sensors; (viii) alarms reported by the Monitoring Engine; and (ix) vulnerabilities found by the vulnerability scanners

Input and output data processed/generated by this module are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively.

Table 1. Input to the Cybersecurity Risk Assessment module
Input data Description Expected data
Business indicators Questionnaire about the organization's size, business structure, and main security aspects, as well as information about the economic impact of the organization and details on the confidentiality, availability, and integrity affecting values. Q14. Do browsers used in your organization allow client-side scripting? Yes = 1, No = 0, Do not know = 0
Monitoring data Information of the monitoring infrastructure in the form of events (e.g., expiration of a license key, a virtual machine is powered on, user logs on a virtual machine, fail login requests, host connection lost) and/or alarms (e.g., detected malware, man in the middle attack, potential brute-force attack, connection attempts against SQL services). They include details of the source elements (i.e., IP address, port number, detection device), as well as details on the time of the event and the type of event detected. SQL injection attempts detected, 3 events, severity(2) low, src, dst
Malware detected, 2 events, severity(6) medium, src ANY, dst
Vulnerabilities Contains the list of potential vulnerabilities affecting the target infrastructure. They are compared against the indicator rules to get inputs for the algorithms used in the risk models. New detected vulnerabilities will automatically trigger a new risk assessment. CVE-2020-11896, CVE-2020-11903, CVE-2020-11914, CVE-2019-11510
Configuration data Changes or updates in the configuration of the target infrastructure (e.g., IP addresses and ports of the available machines, addition or removal of assets, estimation of the confidentiality, integrity or availability impact). MEDEV02: C = 9, I = 7, A = 5
PREPACSSQL: C = 10, I = 10, A = 10
Modeling Refer to the selected risk models that are pre-defined and associated with specific algorithms (script files). The toolkit uses these models and rules to compare with real input in order to represent a situation inside a risk model. WPR4: Compromise security via Trojan malware
WPR8: SQL injection.
Table 2. Output generated by the Cybersecurity Risk Assessment module
Output data Description Expected data
Cybersecurity global risk reports Qualitative and quantitative global risk scores indicating the overall risk associated to the target organization. Global qualitative risks range from Very Low to Very High, whereas global quantitative risks are expressed in monetary values and represent the typical loss and the worst-case scenario. “risk model”: “WPR8”; “target”: “FPHAG”; “cyber qualitative”: “VH”; “cyber quantitative”: “49368: 721267”
Cybersecurity specific risk reports Cybersecurity reports indicating qualitative and quantitative assessment associated to the analyzed threat per model (e.g., DoS, Malware, Bypass Login, SQL injection, etc.), per target asset (e.g., workstation, server, medical device, etc.), and per risk (confidentiality, integrity, availability). “risk model”: “WPR8”; “risk”: “C, I”; “target”: “SQL Server (”; “cyber qualitative”: “M”; “cyber quantitative”: “9928: 145298”
Mitigation measures List of mitigation measures associated with the analyzed threat and that are proposed to be implemented by the end users to eliminate or reduce the risk down to acceptable levels. The selection of these mitigation measures is further processed and analyzed by the Risk Mitigation module of AMBIENT. “risk model”: “WPR8”; “target”: “FPHAG”; “measures”: “M8, M10, M13, M22, M41, M42, M43, M45, M46, M47, M48, M49”

Privacy Risk Assessment module

The Privacy Risk Assessment module is the primary tool for evaluating the privacy risk level of an organization. This module considers the current cybersecurity status acquired by the cybersecurity Risk Assessment module and performs analysis of data processing operations to uncover potential privacy risks—in alignment with the GDPR objectives—and protect sensitive user data. More specifically, it performs privacy risk analysis based on cybersecurity evidence coming from the deployed infrastructure sensors and the documented data processing actions of the organization. To perform this, the privacy risk assessment considers the interrelations that exist among information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructural assets that support data processing activities, data sources, data subjects and personally identifiable information (PII) and infers the privacy risks that an organization may face due to vulnerabilities and threats targeting it. The privacy assessment process results in a list of potential mitigation measures which could be enforced by the security administrators. These mitigation measures can only be used to help cybersecurity decision-makers (e.g., chief information security officers) to define mitigation strategies based on the computed privacy scores. The functionality of the privacy risk assessment is based on two pillars[42]:

  • a novel and extensible privacy risk scoring system for quantifying the privacy risks imposed by quantitatively scaled identified vulnerabilities and threats that have an impact on privacy when targeting assets; and
  • a dynamic and extensible system model that maps core GDPR entities and requirements for assisting the information security decision makers in keeping track of all risk-related information and assessing the degree of compliance of the organization.

Together, these two pillars create a competitive advantage, which is the ability to consider the cybersecurity status of an organization and quantify the privacy risks in complete alignment with GDPR requirements.

The Privacy Risk Assessment module has the following components:

  • Data Warehouse and Model Initialization: These two components are closely related to each other. Data Warehouse is a NoSQL database based on MongoDB that stores all the external input, while the Model Initialization component “translates” the stored information, consults the different modelling methods used in the Privacy Risk Assessment module, and directly feeds the corresponding components.
  • Asset Modelling: This component uses the inter-dependency graph approach introduced by Polemi and Kotzanikolaou[73] The nodes represent the individual assets and the edges represent the inter-dependencies amongst them. Such a graphical representation model is a cornerstone in the Privacy Risk Assessment module, as it works as the “glue” that keeps together ICT assets, data entries, threats, and vulnerabilities in order to identify the risk data processing activities of an organization. This component uses the inter-dependency types IsConnectedTo, IsUsedBy, IsProcessedBy, IsLocatedIn, IsStoredOn, and IsInstalledOn to annotate the relation among assets. These relations are not used only to denote connections among tangible ICT assets, but also to intangible ones, such as data, health records, and PII. Overall, by utilizing the inter-dependency graphs, a security analyst is in position to identify potential privacy risks based on a cartography of assets, which encapsulate their vulnerabilities and the potential privacy threats posed against them. In this way, the inter-dependency graphs contribute not only to the uncovering of privacy risky individual assets, but crucially, they ease in highlighting risk-prone privacy paths which are formed by chains of assets included in a specific processing activity.
  • GDPR Modelling: The management of processing activity is the principal aspect of GDPR modelling that aggregates all the GDPR-related information. The main information that processing activity includes can be divided in three parts: the processing purpose and the involved entities, all the processed personal data assigned to specific subjects, and the asset chain that is involved in the processing activity. By combining the aforementioned elements, the security analyst is in a position to consolidate all the necessary information for processing activities, including the engaged supporting ICT assets, and define the dependency with intangible personal and sensitive data assets.

Considering that information systems may store and process a huge amount of data, GDPR modeling adopts a specific data categorization, as the criticality of the data is not always the same. In fact, the categorization of personal data is considered essential[74], as some processing activities may focus on publicly available data, while others focus on financial or even sensitive data. This indicates the need to assign a different criticality level to the aforementioned data types and treat personal and sensitive data as data types that can clearly have a higher impact on the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individuals in case of data breaches.[75] That is, AMBIENT identifies the following categories based on the classification proposed by Makri et al.[76] and assigns different criticality scores according to the scoring methodology presented by Papamartzivanos et al.[42]:

  • sensitive personal data (e.g., medical data, legal documents);
  • personal data (e.g., data which uniquely identify a person, such as IDs, Social Security Number [SSN], personal or marital status);
  • financial data (e.g., data related to financial transactions, accounting entries);
  • operational data (e.g., data generated during the execution of a service, log files); and
  • other data (e.g., data that cannot be classified in any of the above categories, and belong to a lower criticality level).


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