LIMSWiki:Community portal

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The community portal is a place to track the initiatives and development process of LIMSwiki. If you're new to the wiki and need help, please consult the "Get started" section of the home page.

Community information center

LIMSwiki is a collaborative wiki dedicated to the scientific community, featuring organized, documented, and up-to-date content regarding all aspects of laboratory informatics, bioinformatics, and health informatics. LIMSwiki also strives to maintain relevant knowledge about laboratory equipment as well as commercial and open-source software likely to be used in a laboratory setting. This also includes the vendors of such equipment and software.

The development and curation of LIMSwiki has closely followed this definition since its inception in early 2011. Yet given limited contributors and a rapidly changing technology atmosphere, it's been difficult to keep up with and produce content relevant to the industry. Despite these challenges, LIMSwiki remains an ambitious project dedicated to collating useful information about the growing industry and its players.

What follows is the list of recently completed, unfinished, scheduled, and planned initiatives to broaden the relevant scope of the wiki. The content within this portal will expand as more contributions are made and more help is requested for new and current initiatives.

LIMSwiki initiatives

We're now using a public mind map to show our initiatives, projects, tasks, and maintenance items. You can view this mind map here. You can find the LIMSwiki-related material under Open Member Community > Content Development > Open Access Content > LiMSwiki.

Latest news

June 1, 2024:

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It's been a while. How about a few updates? First, today you'll notice a bit of a refresh of the front page. It was becoming increasingly obvious that for a wiki that's been around for well over a decade, finding something across the various namespaces (i.e., areas) still wasn't easy. A plethora of links were pasted across the front page, but that wasn't enough. This front page update is the first of several steps towards making knowledge and information a bit more findable on the wiki (there's always more that can be done). We now have a mini search portal for our four larger non-encyclopedic areas: guides and white papers, Q&A articles, journal articles, and books. This not only highlights these four areas more prominently but also gives users several ways to search and navigate the content in those areas. Second, a difficult decision was made to scale back vendor content. To the point prior about highlighting this wiki's encyclopedic and non-encyclopedic knowledge repository, it was time to move the vendors from the encyclopedic space to their own namespace, the Vendor: namespace. While vendor content is still highly useful to LIMSWiki users, its no longer as front-facing. Additionally, maintaining feature tables for each vendor was increasingly labor-intensive. As such, feature tables were removed, recognizing at the same time the onus remains fully on vendors to be more transparent about making public the full functionality of their offerings so potential buyers can make more informed decisions. Vendor records still retain their history, highlight offerings (i.e., LIMS, LIS, ELN, SDMS, and CDS), industries served, and other original information. Shawn Douglas (talk) 19:06, 1 June 2024 (UTC)

November 20, 2023:

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Are you studying some sort of laboratory-based science in university? How well do your classes address laboratory informatics topics, particularly in the scope of industrial labs and how they operate outside of academia? If you find the discussion lacking, then his guide by industry veteran Joe Liscouski will be worth a look. In his guide A Science Student's Guide to Laboratory Informatics, Liscouski presents "an annotated map of the laboratory portion of a technological world, identifying critical points of interest and how they relate to one another, while making recommendations for the reader to learn more." Hope you find it useful! Shawn Douglas (talk) 18:48, 20 November 2023 (UTC)

You can find more archived news here.