Journal:Towards a risk catalog for data management plans

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Full article title Towards a risk catalog for data management plans
Journal International Journal of Digital Curation
Author(s) Weng, Franziska; Thoben, Stella
Author affiliation(s) Kiel University
Primary contact Email: franziskaweng at web dot de
Year published 2020
Volume and issue 15(1)
Page(s) 18
DOI 10.2218/ijdc.v15i1.697
ISSN 1746-8256
Distribution license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Although data management and its careful planning are not new topics, there is little published research on risk mitigation in data management plans (DMPs). We consider it a problem that DMPs do not include a structured approach for the identification or mitigation of risks, because it would instill confidence and trust in the data and its stewards, and foster the successful conduction of data-generating projects, which often are funded research projects. In this paper, we present a lightweight approach for identifying general risk in DMPs. We introduce an initial version of a generic risk catalog for funded research and similar projects. By analyzing a selection of 13 DMPs for projects from multiple disciplines published in the Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) journal, we demonstrate that our approach is applicable to DMPs and transferable to multiple institutional constellations. As a result, the effort for integrating risk management in data management planning can be reduced.

Keywords: data management plan, data management, risk management, risk assessment, information security




This presentation is faithful to the original, with only a few minor changes to presentation. Grammar was cleaned up for smoother reading. In some cases important information was missing from the references, and that information was added. [[Category:LIMSwiki journal articles on cybersecurity]